Availability recovery
Availability Recovery Subsystem Design¶
The design for the Availability Recovery Subsystem is based on the Polkadot Host specification as detailed in the Polkadot Parachain Host Implementers' Guide. This subsystem is responsible for recovering the data made available via the Availability Distribution subsystem, neccessary for candidate validation during the approval/disputes processes. Additionally, it is also being used by collators to recover PoVs in adversarial scenarios where the other collators of the para are censoring blocks. In practice, there are various optimisations implemented in this subsystem which avoid querying all chunks from different validators and/or avoid doing the chunk reconstruction altogether.
General flow is pretty straight forward. Subsystem awaits requests from Overseer to recover particular candidate for particular CandidateReceiptV2
The data is fist checked to exist in LRU cache or in Availability store if not recovery process starts.
There are several possible strategies to recover availability data and they will be described below.
When data is recovered is being sent back to ongoing_recoveries
pull where it is processed by being written to LRU cache and returned to requestors via response_sender
Hence the flow is pretty straight forward and most details related to optimisations and possible strategies.
graph TD
A[Start] --> B[Initialize AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem]
B --> C[Run AvailabilityRecoverySubsystem]
C --> D[Handle Overseer Signals]
C --> E[Handle Recovery Requests]
D --> H[Update State with Active Leaves]
D --> I[Finalize Block]
E --> J[Check Availability LRU Cache]
J --> K{Cache Hit?}
K --> |Yes| L[Send Cached Result]
K --> |No| M[Check Ongoing Recoveries]
M --> N{Ongoing Recovery?}
N --> |Yes| O[Add to Awaiting List]
N --> |No| P[Fetch Session Info]
P --> Q{Session Info Available?}
Q --> |Yes| R[Initialize Recovery Strategies]
R --> S[Launch Recovery Task]
Q --> |No| T[Send Unavailable Error]
E --> W[ Try Query Full Data from Availability Store]
W --> X{Data Available?}
X --> |Yes| Y[Send Data Response]
X --> |No| Z[Send None Response]
E --> AA[Forward Erasure Task to Thread Pool]
AA --> AB[Execute Erasure Task]
AB --> AC[Send Erasure Task Result]
S --> AD[Run Recovery Task]
AD --> AE[Poll Recovery Handle]
AE --> AF{Recovery Completed?}
AF --> |Yes| AG[Send Recovery Result to Awaiting Receivers]
AG --> AH[Cache Recovery Result]
AF --> |No| AI[Continue Polling]
AH --> C
AI --> AE
Subsystem has a state that holds: - map of ongoing recoveries - live_block: (BlockNumber, Hash), /// A recent block hash for which state should be available. (NOT SURE WHAT IS THAT) - availability_lru - /// An LRU cache of recently recovered data. So we can avoid expensive data recoveries - runtime_info: RuntimeInfo, /// Also do not know why
availability LRU¶
Implement availability_lru cache that is storing recently recovered availabilities. Add calls to LRU cache within handle recovery so in case if availability is already in cache return from it avoiding full recovery process. Put successfully recovered availability to LRU as soon as they correctly recovered
The handle_recover method handles an availability recovery request. It is responsible for initiating the recovery process for a given candidate receipt and session index. The method checks if the requested data is already cached or being recovered, and if not, it launches a new recovery task.
check ongoing recovery task if one is present. Push response_sender to the list of awaiting for result. (So we need ot create this dependencie as well)
Fetching the runtime session params if error, return error.
Then match the recovery strategy kind. Either (BackersFirstIfSizeLower | BackersFirstIfSizeLowerThenSystematicChunks) or else
query the chunk_size. Estimate if chunk_size is small_pov_size. If unestimatable then small_pov_size = false;
What is chunk_size and small_pov_size ? We need to implement query_chunk_size function. This is a function that sends AvailabilityStoreMessage::QueryChunkSize message via overseer to availability_store to estimate size of candidate with specified candidate_hash.
THen we define recovery_strategies list. This is where it gets little bit tricky to understand what is going on
Based on the recovery strategy kind and the PoV size, it may add a FetchFull strategy to fetch from the backing group. - If the PoV size is smaller than the specified threshold (fetch_chunks_threshold), it prefers fetching from the backing group.
It always adds a FetchChunks
strategy as a fallback to recover using regular chunks. We can use this as a MVP method and implement first. (IMPLEMENT FULLFETCH)
- run only within handle_recover
function and much used to distinguish test runs from real runs. If StrategyKind is any of BackersFirstIfSizeLower
or BackersFirstIfSizeLowerThenSystematicChunks
then recovery based on PoV size.
awaiting receivers¶
The RecoveryHandle struct is used to manage ongoing recovery tasks and their associated awaiting receivers. It is primarily used in the handle_recover and launch_recovery_task functions.
ongoing_recoveries: FuturesUnordered<RecoveryHandle>,
is a part of AR State and holds array of RecoveryHandle
consist of candidate_hash (candidate we need to recover) and awaiting: Vec<oneshot::Sender<RecoveryResult>>,
Vector of oneshot channels that awaits result of the recovery.
launch_recovery_task(state, ctx, response_sender, recovery_strategies, params) -> Result<()>
Create the RecoveryTask and launch it as a background task running recovery_task.run().
recovery_task.run(mut self) -> Result
When the recovery is done, the result is sent to all awaiting receivers with ongoing_recoveries and cached in the availability_lru cache. Here's a detailed explanation of the flow.
Recovery task¶
A RecoveryTask is a structure encapsulating all network tasks needed in order to recover the available data in respect to a candidate.
Recovery task is run by launch_recovery_task
function and is run based on strategy that was defined.
First it again check availability store in case data is available there.
And then strategy is run
Recovery strategies¶
Each recovery task uses list of different recovery strategies There are 3 recovery strategies FetchFull, FetchSystematicChunks, and FetchChunks (more details) But within the code we define only two flows BackersFirstIfSizeLower and BackersFirstIfSizeLowerThenSystematicChunks those are basically list strategies with different order of apply.
Inter strategies task::strategy::State¶
Hold the Task state, basically stores received chunks or errors.
How work is dispatched to the pool from the recovery tasks: Once a recovery task finishes retrieving the availability data, it needs to reconstruct on chunks and/or encode the data which are heavy CPU computations. These depends on the strategy we choose. FetchChunks need reconstruction, FullFetch reencode and FetchSystematicChunks does not need reedsalomon calculations
- do so it sends an
to the main loop via theerasure_task
channel, and ts for the results over aoneshot
The least performant strategy (though apparently the most used one according to this) but also the most comprehensive one. It's the only one that cannot fail under the byzantine threshold assumption,
so it's always added as the last one in the recovery_strategies queue. Performs parallel chunk requests to validators. When enough chunks were received, do the reconstruction.
In the worst case, all validators will be tried.
The most expensive part of this algorithm (the same source as above) is reed solomon reconstruct algorithm.
Implementation of this strategy requires for reed-solomon reconstruction algorithm that is available to call from the lib/erasure
In Parity implementation they assume that FetchChunks is always run as a last resort strategy, hence they do initially do some checks and remove all requested validators from list.
Main loop - check amount of chunks recovered if >= threshold recover them. - launch_parallel_chunk_requests - wait_for_chunks
This strategy tries requesting the full available data from the validators in the backing group to which the node is already connected. They are tried one by one in a random order. It is very performant if there's enough network bandwidth and the backing group is not overloaded. The costly reed-solomon reconstruction is not needed. NOTE: there are some part os the code that are only necessary for collators so we can skip them for now.
This strategy requires Reencode
the data into erasure chunks in order to verify the root hash of the provided Merkle tree,
which is built on-top of the encoded chunks.
This (expensive) check is necessary, as otherwise we can't be sure that some chunks won't have been tampered with by the backers,
which would result in some validators considering the data valid and some.
That depends on erasure_coding.obtain_chunks_v1
method and is available to call from the lib/erasure
Main loop - take next validator from array - create data request - send message NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendRequests with data request - awaits for full data to be returned if so data to be Reencoded and validated - repeat until data is available or all validators requested.
Very similar to FetchChunks below but requests from the validators that hold the systematic chunks, so that we avoid reed-solomon reconstruction.
Only possible if node_features::FeatureIndex::AvailabilityChunkMapping is enabled and the core_index is supplied (currently only for recoveries triggered by approval voting).
More info in RFC-47.
We can only attempt systematic recovery if we received the core index of the candidate and chunk mapping is enabled.
Tells if the chunk mapping feature is enabled. Enables the implementation of
Must not be enabled unless all validators and collators have stopped using req_chunk
protocol version 1. If it is enabled, validators can start systematic chunk recovery.
Additional related information: - https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/598 - https://github.com/polkadot-fellows/RFCs/blob/main/text/0047-assignment-of-availability-chunks.md
General algorithm to choose a strategy¶
If the estimated available data size is smaller than a configured constant (currently 1Mib for Polkadot or 4Mib for other networks), try doing FetchFull first. Next, if the preconditions described in FetchSystematicChunks above are met, try systematic recovery. As a last resort, do FetchChunks.
Requesting chunks¶
function is responsible for launching parallel requests to fetch chunks from validators.
It ensures that the desired number of chunk requests are in progress by sending requests to available validators.
The logic is common for both FetchChunks and FetchSystematicChunks. The type of strategy only used in metrics.
Using network request/response module to create with_fallback type of request and using v2 ChunkFetchingRequest as a main request and v1 ChunkFetchingRequest as a fallback in case validator does not supports it.
When validator receives a chunk it is stored in a map with chunk_id as a key this way we eliminate chunk duplicates and calculate only distinct ones.
There is only one chunk per validator, hence we ask validator only for 1 chunk.
Implementation design¶
Subsystem Structure¶
The implementation must conform to the Subsystem
interface defined in the parachaintypes
package. It should live in
a package named availabilityrecovery
under dot/parachain/availability-distribution
Incoming messages¶
Subsystem should handle 3 outside messages: - OverseerSignal::ActiveLeaves - update live block to the recent - OverseerSignal::BlockFinalized - do nothing (?) - OverseerSignal::Conclude - graceful shutdown - AvailabilityRecoveryMessage::RecoverAvailableData - request to recover candidates availability data
Outgoing messages¶
- AvailabilityStoreMessage::QueryAvailableData - try to query availability data from availability store using overseer.
- AvailabilityStoreMessage::QueryChunkSize - query chunk size. Used to select strategy. (eg FetchFull if PoV size constraints are met).
- NetworkBridgeTxMessage::SendRequests - message to network bridge to use request/response module for requesting chunks from other validators.
- ErasureTask::Reconstruct, Reencode - messages we sent within a subsystem to ErasureCoding thread that is responsible for doing Reconstruct and Reencode.
- State
- Holds array of tasks to recover. Subsystem should asynchronously process all incoming request and create a goroutine for each of it.
- Live block Last block for runtime params updgrade
- LRU cache for recent availability data to improve performance for recently requested availabilities.
- RecoveryParams
type RecoveryParams struct {
CandidateHash string
ValidatorAuthorityKeys []string
NValidators int
ErasureRoot string
PovHash string
PostRecoveryCheck PostRecoveryCheck
We need to define interfaces for all 3 strategies (FetchFull, FetchSystematicChunks, FetchChunks)
type RecoveryStrategy interface {
DisplayName() string
StrategyType() string
Run(params RecoveryParams) (AvailableData, error)
Recovery pipeline¶
Every incoming request should be written to ongoing recoveries map. We might also want to add RWMutex for state to be sure that while we adding RecoveryResult channel to awaiting it is not getting read from, hence leading that newly added awaiter never get resolved.
type RecoverySubsystemState struct {
OngoingRecoveries map[string]*RecoveryTask // key is the CandidateHash allows for O(1) lookups
mutex mutex.RWMutex
// RecoveryTask represents a recovery task for particular candidatehash
type RecoveryTask struct {
params RecoveryParams // subsystem params necessary for recovery
CandidateHash string
ResultChan chan RecoveryResult // channel to respond with recovery result (either PoV or error) to main routine
awaiting []chan RecoveryResult // array of channels that awaits recovery result
// RecoveryResult represents the result of a recovery operation.
type RecoveryResult struct {
Data AvailableData
Err error
For each recovery request we theoretically need to to try all three strategies one by one. FullFetch first, then
FetchSystematicChunks, and then FullFetch. FullFetch is a fallback strategy that always we try in the end and the
first two have their constraints that are described above.
Constraints are defined based on subsystem params, chunk_size
, PoV size limit or as it called CONSERVATIVE_FETCH_CHUNKS_THRESHOLD
Instead of keeping array of possible recovery strategies per recovery task we can just pipeline all of them,
including erasure reed solomon Reconstruct or Reencode.
and call if constraints above are met returning RecoveryResult
in the end