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Bitfield Distribution Subsystem

The bitfield distribution subsystem is responsible for gossipping signed availability bitfields. The bitfields express which parachain block candidates the signing validator considers available.

Subsystem Structure

The implementation must conform to the Subsystem interface defined in the parachaintypes package. It should live in a package named bitfielddistribution under dot/parachain/bitfield-distribution.

Messages Received

The subsystem must be registered with the overseer and handle two subsystem-specific messages from it:

  1. validationprotocol.BitfieldDistributionMessage

A network message containing a bitfield. This message is identical in protocol versions 2 and 3. It is sufficient to only support those versions. Since the message was received from the network, the bitfield is unchecked.

  1. DistributeBitfield

Gossip a bitfield to peers and announce it to other subsystems. The content of this message is the same as the message under 1. but the bitfield has been checked or signed by this host if it is a validator. It needs to be converted to a network message as part of the message handling code.

(Note: I'm not sure what all the sources for this message are. I assume the main source is the bitfield signing subsystem.)

package parachaintypes

import ""

type DistributeBitfield struct {
    RelayParent common.Hash
    Bitfield    UncheckedSignedAvailabilityBitfield

It might make sense to duplicate the type UncheckedSignedAvailabilityBitfield as CheckedSignedAvailabilityBitfield, add a method ToChecked() on UncheckedSignedAvailabilityBitfield that performs the validation and use that type in DistributeBitfield to ensure only valid bitfields are sent to peers.

Additionally, the subsystem must handle the following general network bridge events and overseer signals:

  1. networkbridgevent.PeerConnected
  2. networkbridgevent.PeerDisconnected
  3. networkbridgevent.NewGossipTopology
  4. networkbridgevent.PeerViewChange
  5. networkbridgevent.OurViewChange
  6. networkbridgevent.UpdatedAuthorityIDs
  7. parachaintypes.ActiveLeavesUpdateSignal

The overseer must be modified to forward these messages to the subsystem.

Messages Sent

When handling DistributeBitfield messages, the subsystem sends a ProvisionableDataBitfield message to the overseer. This type should be added in dot/parachain/provisioner/messages/messages.go in the following way:

package provisionermessages

import (
    parachaintypes ""

var (
    // ...
    _ Data = (*ProvisionableDataBitfield)(nil)

// ...

type ProvisionableDataBitfield struct {
    RelayParent common.Hash
    Bitfield    parachaintypes.UncheckedSignedAvailabilityBitfield

func (ProvisionableDataBitfield) IsData() {}

If the type CheckedSignedAvailabilityBitfield mentioned above is created, it should also be used in ProvisionableDataBitfield.

The subsystem also sends networkbridgemessages.ReportPeer during handling of various messages.

Subsystem State

The subsystem should store the view of each peer the subsystem is informed about via the relevant network bridge events. The Parity node also stores the protocol version of the peer. If our implementation only supports version 2 and 3 messages, the subsystem should probably ignore peers that still use version 1 instead.

The subsystem also needs to know the current and previous network grid topologies and the view of the node ("our view"). The grid topology is out of scope for this design document and the subsystem implementation. The bitfielddistribution package should contain an interface that covers the required methods of SessionBoundGridTopologyStorage used in the Parity node.

For each relay parent the subsystem is instructed by the overseer to work on, it needs to maintain the following data: - the signing context (retrieved from runtime once) - the validator set (retrieved from runtime once) - any valid bitfield messages received from a validator (we can probably just store the network messages, since it's v2/v3 only) - messages sent to a peer for this relay parent (store the validator ID instead of the message since there can only be one per validator) - messages received from a peer for this relay parent (again, store validator ID, this is to avoid sending this peer a message for this validator)

This could be implemented roughly as follows:

type SessionBoundGridTopologyStorage interface {
    // ...

type view struct {
    heads                []common.Hash
    finalizedBlockNumber uint32

// methods on view ...

type perRelayParentData struct {
    sessionIndex            parachaintypes.SessionIndex // the required part of the signing context
    validators              []parachaintypes.ValidatorID
    onePerValidator         map[parachaintypes.ValidatorID]*validationprotocol.BitfieldDistributionMessage
    messageSentToPeer       map[PeerID]map[parachaintypes.ValidatorID]struct{}
    messageReceivedFromPeer map[PeerID]map[parachaintypes.ValidatorID]struct{}

type BitfieldDistribution struct {
    peerViews      map[PeerID]view
    ourView        view
    topologies     SessionBoundGridTopologyStorage
    perRelayParent map[common.Hash]*perRelayParentData

The Parity node also uses a ReputationAggregator. It is up to the implementer of this subsystem to either define an interface analogous to SessionBoundGridTopologyStorage or adjust peer reputation immediately. The subsystem can be modified to use a ReputationAggregator in a follow-up PR, once it has been implemented.

Message Handling Logic

Check the bitfield for any relevant messages, relay them to interested peers and adjust peer reputation. Only needs to support version 2 and 3 of the network protocol, but this should probably be taken care of by the handler for PeerConnected.

Ensure tests cover all cases of invalid/irrelevant messages.

This is the internal message from other subsystems. The bitfield passed in this message has already been checked. Send a gossip message on the network based on the grid topology and a ProvisionableDataBitfield message to the overseer.

Only add peers with protocol version 2 or 3. Add them to the per-peer state with a default view.

Just remove the peer from the per-peer state.

Updating the grid topology might result in new "local grid neighbours", some of which might already be connected. Set the view for these peers to the default view.

For peers that are present in the per-peer state and are local grid neighbours, send them all previously received messages that are revelant to their updated view.

Remove relay parents from the subsystem state that are not present in the new view.

Update the current grid topology with the new authority IDs.

Query the signing context and validator set from the runtime for the new relay parent and store them in the subsystem state.